True-me Podcast, Coaching with Nicole
Nicole is an experienced business person with over 25 years of corporate success. She founded True Me coaching in 2012 and she now helps corporations and individuals around the world to achieve authentic success and lasting happiness. Nicole provides warm guidance with a genuine program designed to enlighten and inspire.This is a production of True-me Breakthrough Coaching, www.trueme.co. Contact us at info@trueme.co.
True-me Podcast, Coaching with Nicole
Who am I?
Nicole M
Season 2
Episode 5
Most of us, at some point in our life have asked ourselves the questions “Who am I?” And some of us understand that we are more than just human beings struggling or thriving in a certain environment. But who are we, really? This is an important subject to conquer, that will demand of you to get to know yourself better. As in the words of Lao Tzu: “Conquering others takes force, conquering yourself is true strength.” Nicole M. will share here her own understanding, in an attempt to inspire you to answer that question yourself.